West Bengal Kolkata 29th Nov: The Delhi-based Human Welfare Foundationawarded 500 meritorious muslim students and 3 best minority schoolsnamely Al-Ameen mission, Moulana Azad Academy and Rahmate Alam Missionof West Bengal in an ‘Award Distribution Ceremony’ held on 29thNovember, 2010 at Mahajati Sadan, Kolkata, West Bengal. These studentswere given mementos, citation and one thousand cash prizes for scoringmore than 70% marks in their board examination held in West Bengal.These toppers were from different boards like CBSE, ICSE, WBBSE andMadrasa Board also.HWF has started such initiatives to encourage muslim students so thatthey can do better in their upcoming examination and in their career.Likewise, the upcoming board examinee, will also be encouraged to dobetter in their board examination.Soon after the coming of Sachar Committee Report, HWF has taken suchprgoramme for the upliftment of muslim in educationally, socially andeducationally.Last year, HWF awarded meritorious students of U.P. only. But afterthe grand success of the progamme in U.P. for distribution of awardsto meritorious students, HWF has taken new steps to orgnaise award foracademic excellence in more states like in Assam, West Bengal, U.P.and Bihar.Apart from award for academic excellence which is one of the programmeof vision 2016, it has undertaken many area of work like Education,Health, Poverty alleviation, women empowerment, disaster management,protection of civil right.
The function was presided over by Dr. Hasan Raja Sb, Trustee, HumanWelfare Foundation.A number of dignitaries attended the program like Janab Nizam Shamimsb (IPS),Chairman Board of Wakfs, West Bengal, Janab Dr. Samsul Alam,Vice chancellor, Aliah University, Kolkata, Janab Mr. RatanKhashnabis, Professor, Dept. of Business Management, CalcuttaUniversity, Janab Dr. Rahmat Ali Khan, President, Jamaat-e-IslamiHind, WB, GUESTs OF HONOR, Janab Salimullah Khan, National Coordinator, HWF, Janab Dr. Raisuddin, Member, Muslim Personal Law Board, MasiurRahman, secy JIH,WB, Jb Nurul Islam, Secy Al-Ameen Mission, Howrah, jbMujit Ali, Secy, Maolana Azad Acadecy, Jb sirajul Islam, secyRahmat-e-Alam Mission and others.