Creating Partnership With the Needy
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- Vision 2016
- Is an ambitious plan to bring about transformation on the social landscape of the country. It focuses on education, health, economic upliftment, empowerment of women and disaster management. The plan envisages the establishment of multifarious institutions across the country, with a strong human resource of committed volunteers and recognized community leaders.......
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- APCR held workshops in Bihar and Jharkhand
- Report of the 3rd General Body Meeting of APCR
- Vision-2016 : Action plan for Indin Muslims
- 523 Benefited by free Medical Camp in Abul Fazal
This Held in first week of August 2009 by HWF New Delhi
Hyderabad: A leading practitioner of Micro Financing in India has strongly advocated the Interest free micro credit or equity financing as the best and the most appropriate method for the country’s poor in enabling them to stand on their own feet.
Vijay Mahajan, chairman, Basix, a micro finance company, said that his company was soon coming out with a pilot project based on the interest free or equity finance.
Vijay Mahajan, a product of IIT and IIM and Princeton University, was speaking at the inaugural session of a five day orientation and training camp on Interest Free Mirco Financing organized by the Human Welfare Foundation in Hyderabad.
“You call it Islamic finance or Shariah compliant finance, it is equity finance in which the investor and the entrepreneur share both the profit and the loss, good fortune and misfortune. Mirco equity fianance is the right way to do it”, he said.
Basix, launched in 1996 has so far provided loans worth Rs 2000 crore to 12 lakh poor household in several states, at an interest rate of 24% and presently has an outstanding of Rs 580 crore with a rate of recovery of 99.1%, he said.
But realizing the tremendous potential in the equity financing, the company was getting ready to launch its new product either in Hyderabad or Chennai soon. “Islamic finance is more equitable for the poor”, he said.
“Interest free finance does not mean only charity. It makes sound business sense. After all, what is venture capital? It is nothing but the equity finance at a large scale and the same has to be brought into the micro finance. It is more equitable specially for the poor people”, he said.
But sounding a word of caution, he said that the interest free credit system can work effectively in small community, where every body knows the other and which is based on Iman or honesty. “The enterprise should be sustainable to ensure that both the investor and the entrepreneur benefit from it”.
In his inaugural presentation Prof A K Siddique Hasan, secretary, Human Welfare Foundation, New Delh,i said that the interest free micro credit was part of the Vision 2016 prepared by the Foundation for the socio-economic development of the poorer sections of the society. The vision includes setting up super specialty and specialty hospitals, clinics, medical aid, schools, scholarships, and empowerment of women, he said.
“This is an ambitious vision and we would like to implement it by 2016 at an estimated cost of Rs 5000 crore”, Prof Siddique Hasan told this correspondent.
Pointing out that Islamic Banking was accepted even by the World Bank, Prof Hasan said that the system was being adopted in several countries across the world.
Pointing out that Muslims in India spend an amount of Rs 12000 crore towards Zakat or obligatory charity every year and there was six lakh acres of Waqf land in the country, Prof Hasan said that the proper and collective use of Zakat and the Waqf could solve all the problems of Muslim community in the country. He said that the Foundation had plans to put in place a network of five hundred micro credit institutions to extend interest free credit to the poor in the country
The camp was being attended by 70 delegates and experts from all over the country
New Delhi:Human Welfare Foundation felicitated 750 meritorious students of Muslim community of Uttar Pradesh State, who scored 60% & above marks in their board Examination for the academic session 2008-09 in an Award giving function held at Hari Lawn, Ashok Marg, Lucknow. Academic Excellence Award – 2009 U.P. is an initiative of Human Welfare Foundation, New Delhi, and P M Foundation, Kerela. These "Awards for Academic Excellence - 2009 (UP)" are meant to encourage the students to continue performing better in future. It is to motivate the minority students for performing excellently in their academic studies. It is to be noted that the Higher Secondary Examination Results of Muslim Community in the state has been on the poor side during the recent years. The awardees were given cash prizes and citations, where as the schools were also ranked according to their performances in last three academic sessions. A total of 10 schools were felicitated on this occasion and were given mementos and citation.
Shri S. M. A. Kazmi, chairman, Minority Commission of Uttar Pradesh state graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and congratulated the awardees for their achievement. Addressing the students and their parents, Prof. K.A.Siddiq Hassan, General Secretary of HWF and the architect of vision 2016 programme said “IT IS THE DAY OF SUCCESS” and emphasized the role of education in the development of our country. Therefore, we are making every effort to improve the quality of life of the neglected sections of this society through the Vision 2016 programme, he said.
The programme started with the inaugural words by Justice K. A. Abdul Gafoor, Chairman, P.M. Foundation, Kerela. He said that the PM Foundation started this project in kerela twenty three years back with just 100 students who secured 0% and above marks, which is now reached to 836 students securing more than 90% marks in the 23rd Award Distribution Programme and we expect the same here in Uttar Pradesh also. The function was presided over by the foundation’s Vice president, Mr. Muhammad Jafar. He congratulated the awardees and said that this award will be a milestone in your life and urged them to perform better and better, so as to compete with this extremely competitive world. A number of other dignitaries such as UP State Information Commissioner, Mr. Virendar Kumar Saxena, Maulan Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahli, Naib Imam, Idgah Lucknow, Mr. N. M. Sharfuddin, Trustee, P M Foundation, Mr. C. P. Kunju Muhammad, Trustee, P M Foundation, Mr. Manzoor Ahmed, Ex-IPS, Former Vice-Chancellor, Agra University and Trustee HWF, and Maulana Waliullah Saeedi Falahi, President Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, UP East, addressed the awardees and their parents. Mr. Muhammad Ahmad, Chairman Uttar Pradesh Falah-e-Aam Society and Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Uttar Pradesh (West) welcomed the distinguished guests, awardees and their parents. This programme was organized in association with P M Foundation, U P Falah-e-Aam Society and Students Islamic Organisation of India.
Prof Siddique Hassan, Naib Ameer (vice president) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, a college professor and former head of JIH’s Kerala unit is credited with undertaking some big projects and making them success. No example can be better than Madhyamam, a daily newspaper published by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind in Kerala and Gulf. It has more than a dozen editions being published from Kerala and Gulf simultaneously. Now he heads JIH’s mammoth social welfare project Vision 2016 that aims to positively transform lives of the underprivileged sections of the Indian societyIn an interview Prof Siddique Hassan, speaks extensively on the project Vision 2016, a mammoth multi billion rupees project, its progress and the challenges ahead. Excerpts:
Q: What is Vision 2016 all about?
A: Vision 2016 is an ambitious plan envisaged for the development and upliftment of the deprived sections of our society that includes Muslims and Dalits. Lasting for period of ten years, the project has identified education, health, employment, women empowerment, and microfinance as its chief focus areas. The schemes and projects run by various institutions and agencies are supervised by an umbrella organization, Human Welfare Foundation. In the first phase, Muslims of the selected 58 poor districts are going to benefit from the project.
Projects under ‘education’, for instance, include capacity enhancement of existing schools, setting up new primary and secondary schools, special girls’ schools, vocational training centers, coaching and guiding centers, providing merit-cum-means scholarships, etc. Similarly various projects for other areas like healthcare are in the making.
Q: What has prompted Jamaat-e-Islami to venture into such a big social work project, instead of confining to conventional religious activities?
A: Being an Islamic Movement in the true sense of the term, Jamaat-e-Islami has never ignored social work. Nor is it a conventional Muslim organization. The ever worsening scenario of backwardness in India has always been a concern for Jamaat. India is a country where 33 per cent of the population still lives under the BPL (Below Poverty Line) and 40 per cent of its people remain illiterate. When it comes to the condition of the Muslim community in India, the picture is worse. The Sacchar Committee Report has categorically stated that the Muslim in the country live under conditions worse than that of Dalits. Poverty is so extreme in some regions that many Muslims quit their religion just for a morsel of meal
.Q: Which are the areas of the project where progress has been made so far and how much?
A: The project is in the initial stage but is progressing. In the field of education, remarkable achievements have been made. We’ve planned to set up 100 schools by 2011 in various districts of North Indian states which are relatively more backward than the South Indian districts. Work of 25 of these schools has already finished and lands have been acquired for the rest of the schools. Scholarships worth 50 lakh rupees have been given away to those backward students who have secured 60 per cent marks in their standard ten examinations.In the field of health, we plan to establish hospitals and clinics, mobile medical vans, etc and to provide medical aid to the needy. For the supervision of these activities, we’ve already formed Medical Society of India which is a common platform for doctors and paramedical staffs committed to our cause.
Q: You’ve mentioned the fields of legal aid and microfinance. What have you been able to do in these fields?
A: We’ve recently formed Association for the Protection of Civil Rights (APCR) bringing into its fold, social activists, advocates, and dedicated social workers. APCR aims to defend the rights of the underprivileged people. It organizes training workshops and awareness programmes on human rights and investigates cases of human rights violations. Taking up various issues related to judiciary and law, with a view to bringing about meaningful and timely reforms in the criminal justice system of the country also comes under APCR’s purview. Also, APCR has published a very useful guidebook to educate the human rights activists on the legal and ethical aspects of the service they are involved in.As for microfinance, the microfinancing enterprises we are going to have will be purely interest-free. We’ve recently conducted a four-day workshop in Hyderabad to deliberate on the practical details of implementing microfinancing in which experts from different part s of the country took part. An NGO for working with microfinancing is in the pipeline.
Q: When you came up with such a mammoth project that runs into hundreds of crores, what was the response you got from various corners like other Muslim organizations and leaders?
A: I would say we got good response from the community leaders and organization. I want to tell you that whenever Jamaat-e-Islami took an initiative for any good project or programme, other Muslim organizations have responded positively. We have not come across a situation when Muslim organizations and leaders outrightly rejected any suggestion put forward by Jamaat-e-Islami. Everyone seems to be aware of the need of making collective endeavours towards the upliftment of the community
.Q: Coming to the more practical aspects, do you think the Jamaat has the expertise to undertake and successfully complete such a huge project?
A: No, Jamaat-e-Islami is under no illusion that Jamaat and its cadre alone can accomplish all these targets. In fact, we are trying to engage experienced NGOs along with its cadre, in the micro-planning and execution of each of these schemes and projects
.Q: Given the fact that several institutions in North India run by Jamaat do not fare well owing to lack of professionalism , are you sure the Jamaat cadres are competent in running schools, vocational training institutes, hospitals ,etc efficiently?
A: I want to underscore the fact that the Vision 2016 is not a Jamaat-only project. We have a high regard for professionalism and will ensure all the steps taken are foolproof. We seek the help of various consultants who have put in many years of experience in relevant fields. And we are not alone. We’ve about 50 affiliates who are known for their expertise in different areas. As for the role of Jamaat cadre, those who are really devoted to the cause have been chosen and given special training.
Q: How was your experience in getting the right people to work for the project?
A: Now the project is going through its implementation-stage. In the initial stage we’re mainly concerned with development of infrastructural and logistic support on which the further pursuit of the project highly depends. In this effort we’ve had many experiences and getting the right people was really a tough job in some areas. However, it must be said that the experience on the whole was satisfactory.
Q: Your brochure says you are going to spend Rs 377 million within four years (from 2007-2011). How do you think you’ll overcome probable pitfalls like mismanagement of funds and other irregularities?
A: We’re aware of the fact these facts. One thing I’d like to clarify is that this is not a set of projects for which Jamaat accumulates funds from various sources and then distributes them to agencies. There are proper checks and balances to ensure maximum transparency and accountability. For example, every transaction has to be approved by auditors.Another thing that needs to be clarified is that a major part of the programmes in Vision 2016 is to enable the underprivileged people to avail themselves of all the developmental schemes sponsored by the central and state governments. It’s a known fact many governmental schemes for the deprived are being implemented and then trampled by the bureaucracy, with main targets of these schemes remaining unaware of them. The same can be said about various projects aimed at the minorities.In order to create awareness among the needy people of legitimate ways to tap the available resources for their prosperity, we’ve published a handbook, ‘A Guide to the Uplift Minorities’. The handbook, which will soon be published in all regional languages, contains information regarding various governmental and non-governmental schemes and for different groups of people and needs. This guide, we believe, is of high value and help to the common man as well as social workers
New Delhi: The Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR) and People’s Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) jointly organized a memorial meeting on 22nd October at Gandhi Peace Foundation in New Delhi to pay homage and tribute to Prof. Iqbal Ansari, a veteran human rights defender and national council member of PUCL.
Prof. Iqbal Ansari, who was always at the forefront of the human and civil rights movements throughout the country over two decades, left this world on 13th October following a heart attack. He was 74 and is survived by his wife, two daughters, and three sons.
Lucknow :The Human Welfare Foundation is orgnising “ UP Award ‘Function for miniority student’s on 8th November 2009 at Hari lawn,28/60, Ashok Marg Near Hindustan Times ( Gokhle Marg ) Sikander Bagh Chauraha Lucknow-226001.on this occasion 650 student’s will be feciliated by cash amount’s and citation .the programme will start at 9:00 AM onwards Those student’s who scored 60% and above mark’s in their 10th class exam held in March 2009 under UP State Education Board,(CBSE,ICSE, State Board and Madarsa Board ) will be feciliated by the eminent Personalities and also Guided by expert’s and career guibence will be provided to all the participant’s .
Submitted by admin4 on 26 October 2009 - 1:22pm.
By Mumtaz Alam Falahi,,
New Delhi: In the last 62 years the Badarpur Khadar village in North-East Delhi could not see electricity. Nor road, drinking water and school. With the Delhi-based Muslim NGO Human Welfare Foundation deciding to adopt it, the village can now hope for some light.
A delegation of the NGO comprising its President educationist Saiyid Hamid, General Secretary K Siddique Hassan and Mohammad Jafar, Vice President, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, met Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on October 24 and offered to adopt the village to set up and run a primary school, a dispensary and a vocational technical school there.
The NGO submitted a memorandum to the chief minister detailing that it visited the village after a media report and found it lacking all primary civic amenities.
“The Badarpur Khadar Village is a part of Karawal Nagar Assembly Segment of Delhi Pradesh, just 20 km from CM’s office. The village has a population of above 5000 and falls in the Karawal Nagar Assembly segment. A delegation of Human Welfare Foundation visited the village on 19.10.09 . This village does not have roads, electricity, school, dispensary, fair price shop and even NREGA Scheme. Most of the children and women reportedly are affected by dust allergy. These poor people have become destitute in their own home land,” reads the memorandum.
The HWF has proposed in the memorandum that it will set up and manage a primary school, a dispensary and will also run a vocational technical school if the Govt. provides them 2 acres of land.
In order to redeem this destitute village, the NGO has urged the government to provide following facilities: e lectricity, sanitation, B.T. approach road…brick or cc, village road, fair price shops and NREGA scheme.
Human Welfare Foundations High level Deligation met Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit
Posted by Vision 2016
A ray of light for Delhi’s “area of darkness”
Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar
NEW DELHI: A delegation of the Delhi-based Human Welfare Foundation, which runs several NGOs, met Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on Saturday and offered to set up and manage a primary school, a dispensary and a vocational technical school at Madanpur Khadar village in North-East Delhi which 62 years after Independence still lacks these basic facilities and also has no power or drinking water supply.
The delegation, led by Foundation general secretary K. A. Siddique Hassan, also submitted a memorandum to Ms. Dikshit stating that it visited the village on October 19 after a report appeared in The Hindu on October 11 under the title “An area of darkness in Delhi” exposing the total lack of primary civic amenities in this village which is the very picture of deprivation.
The delegation during its visit found that “this village does not have roads, electricity, school, dispensary, fair price shop and even NREGS (National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme). Most of the children and women reportedly are affected by dust allergy. These poor people have become destitute in their own homeland.”
The delegation informed Ms. Dikshit that the Foundation had in the past undertaken broad-based ameliorative work mainly in the domains of education and health in different States.
Noting that Ms. Dikshit over the years has given a fillip to public-private partnership, the Foundation said it had picked up this extremely backward area for adoption and expected government support in the matter.
The Foundation also urged the Chief Minister to provide electricity, sanitation, a proper approach road, fair price shops and NREGS in the village.
The Foundation has been working towards upliftment and empowerment of the downtrodden and underprivileged sections of society, especially Muslims, who constitute the majority of the population in Madanpur Khadar village.
Fasil K of on 25 August, 2009 14:06:47 192 times read
Prof Siddique Hassan, Naib Ameer (vice president) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, a college professor and former head of JIH’s Kerala unit is credited with undertaking some big projects and making them success. No example can be better than Madhyamam, a daily newspaper published by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind in Kerala and Gulf. It has more than a dozen editions being published from Kerala and Gulf simultaneously. Now he heads JIH’s mammoth social welfare project Vision 2016 that aims to positively transform lives of the underprivileged sections of the Indian society. In an interview with Fasil K of, Prof Siddique Hassan, speaks extensively on the project Vision 2016, a mammoth multi billion rupees project, its progress and the challenges ahead.
Q: What is Vision 2016 all about?
A: Vision 2016 is an ambitious plan envisaged for the development and upliftment of the deprived sections of our society that includes Muslims and Dalits. Lasting for period of ten years, the project has identified education, health, employment, women empowerment, and microfinance as its chief focus areas. The schemes and projects run by various institutions and agencies are supervised by an umbrella organization, Human Welfare Foundation. In the first phase, Muslims of the selected 58 poor districts are going to benefit from the project.
For complete interview click on the following link:
New Delhi : Association for Protection of Civil rights (APCR) organized two day workshops in Patna and Ranchi during 13-14 and 15-16 August 09 subsequently to train some activists at grass root level from legal angle and to provide them basic information and knowledge about Fundament rights, Human rights, Indian legal system, Criminal justice, Right to Information and how to strive for the cause of ensuring justice in India. APCR is organizing such a workshops in different states to build a network of Para-legal social activists at national level.
The workshop addressed a wide range of topics from human rights, civil rights, laws, the justice system, rules and procedures and also responsibilities of the citizens.
It also dealt with various practical problems and issues pertaining to civil and human rights. Moreover, Practical session on held on How to file FIR, How to write reports of the incidents, How to file application under RTI Act, etc.
As follow up program different assignment has been given to the participants, which includes practical as well as theoretical works. Around 50 activists from different parts of Bihar and Jharkhand participated in both of the workshops.
Ahmadabad 28 June 09: The 3rd annual general body meeting of the Association for the Protection of Civil Rights (APCR) held here to review the last year activities and chalk out the next year plan. While welcoming the members of APCR and special invitees of the meeting, Secretary of the association, Prof. K A Siddique Hassan conceived his welcome said, now APCR has stepped out of its infancy period. During the last year, we are able make many achievements on various fronts. For the same, I am grateful members, friends and workers of APCR especially our President Mr. Y H Muchhala, Director of Training Division, Dr. Shakeel Ahmed and Coordinator, Mr. Mahtab Alam for their concentrated efforts. In a situation when our rights are being violated, it is necessary that there is urgent need of watchdogs but only watching of civil and human rights violation is not going to help much. So, we have to come out with practical measures and have to take strong initiatives to stop the same. APCR has been formed with similar vision. The services of APCR are a basic need of the society in India, he added.
Following the welcome speech the book ''Human & Civil Rights Defender's Resource Manual' was released by the President Mr. Yusuf Hatim Muchhala. The manual is prepared by the research division of APCR for the benefit of both legal- social workers as well as general readers as ready reference on criminal justice, legal procedures, right to information and issues related to the protection of civil and human rights. Afterwards, Dr. Shakeel Ahmad presented the report of activities for the period 2008-09.
In his presidential remarks, Mr. Muchhala, there is no doubt, we have made a worth mentioning progress during last year but we should keep in our mind that, we have miles to go. The question of identity, safety and security of the marginalized groups and weaker sections remains same despite all constitutional provisions. There fundamental rights are being violated by the very same agencies, which are supposed to protect it. Many draconian laws are still part of our legal system; few are passed very recently in the name of combating terror. In the situation of rampant civil rights violations, we have to struggle at different levels- from local to national. We have to focus on precautionary measures rather than defensive ones. People should be trained to take aggressive legal actions.
Taking in to consideration of overall situation of civil and human rights in India, a set of activities has been finalized at various levels. Some of the activities are like: public awareness programmes on socio legal issues in selected places for the masses e.g. Bhiwandi, Malegaon in Maharashtra; Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh; Murshidabad, Maldah and Kolkata in West Bengal; Lucknow, Azamgarh, Gorakhpur, etc. in UP and Jamia Nagar in Delhi, etc., Consultation meeting with senior Civil Rights Activists/Groups and Community Leaders on dealing with current situation of Civil Rights Violations in India, Campaign against 'anti-Terror' Laws, Campaign against rapid rise of communal fascism in Karnataka, Workshops for the students interested in Human and Civil Rights, etc.
Vision-2016 : Action plan for Indin Muslims
New Delhi : The Human Welfare Foundation one of India's wellknown social orgnization, has put in place a path-breaking action plan to create educational, health and housing facilities to improve the lot of millions of poor Muslims in the country.Alarmed by the findings of the Justice Rajinder Sachar committee, which painted a dismal picture of the socio-economic conditions of Muslims in India, the Foundatin intends to build a Medical College , establishing a student hostel in each state as well as 10 centres of higher learning has been pegged . "We are committed to achieve the objectives of Vision-2016 within the stipulated period of time. Funds will be generated through donations," said K.A. Siddiq Hassan, General Secretory of Human Welfare Foundation.Although the government has plans to improve the conditions of minorities, it is increasingly felt that the community's lot will change for the better only when Muslims activists and groups contribute their bit.The Foundation’s health agenda includes setting up a super speciality hospital and 10 speciality hospitals thrughtt the countery"The process and planning for all the projects are going on smoothly. Hopefully, the targets will be achieved. " Hassan told Media person’s in Delhi.The Foundation has decided to construct 10,000 dwelling units in urban India ,while 100 model Islamic villages will also be developed by 2016.The Foundation’s 'Vision-2016' talks of total emancipation of poor Muslims."The Vision-2016 aims at imparting quality primary and secondary education to the poorest among Muslims. We also intend to provide them health facilities and financial assistance for economic empowerment," said Hassan.
New Delh i: Human Welfare Foundation Has conducted one free Medical Camp for The area of Abul Fazal Jamia Nagar. 523 persons has taken the benefits of this camp .The Panel of Doctors are of different like eye surgen,child specialist,TB checkup,,HIV /AIDS Counceling has been performed.Acording with the advise of Doctors free medicine has been distributed.The Camp was inaugurated by Prof. Kohli NSS Co-ordinator Jamia Millia Islamia ,Mr.AJ Siddiqui Director of HWF and Mr Rafiq Ahmad Treasurers HWF,Mr. Abid NSS JMI .Mr. Sabir” PEHEL” was participated from their orgnizations. The camp detail was provided by Salimullah Khan in the Press Release of HWF.